Solo, con ella y contra ella
An 8 meters wide Dome holds a particular view with reference to interpersonal relations.
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Contemporary Dance in the Air
About us
Suspended from harnesses this madrilenian company challenges gravity and adds an unique touch in each one of its shows.
What do we do?
Our Gallery
Sinopsis, vídeos y fotos de cada uno de nuestros trabajos…
Others say about us
“El vuelo de la Compañía Nueveochenta es de altura, danza única que suspende la mirada y, mas allá del vértigo, levanta el ánimo.”
Enrique Cabrera - Director Compañía Aracaladanza
“Veranos de la Villa 2020 counted in its program with the premiere of the play Solo, con ella y contra ella(...) We never thought that dancing on gravity, the cosmos and the movement of objects, through acrobatic dance, could speak to us about friendship, love, jealousy or sincerity”
Angel Murcia - Deputy Manager, Centro Dramático Nacional (CDN) y Artistic Director of Veranos de la Villa 2020
“Work and style impeccable!" It’s been a pleasure to count on Nueveochenta company in several shows of the UMD and Beta Publica. Their performances are greatly appreciated by the audience!”
Pilar Villanueva - Choreographer and artistic Director of Beta Pública
“Juan Leiba is the accurate expression of effort and meticulous work and his approach at Nueveochenta is able to transmit to all of us the desire to fly while we watch him astonished float between the ground and his emotions”.
Anna y Carlos López Infante - Directores y productores de la Cía Perfordance